British Designers

Vivienne Westwood : The original fashion rebel

Vivienne Westwood
Vivienne Westwood : The original fashion rebel


The original fashion rebel of the fashion world , who constantly pushed boundaries and redefine the way we perceive clothing and style, is Vivienne Westwood, a name that resonates with innovation, rebellion, and avant-garde design. With a career spanning several decades, Westwood is the original bad boy of the British fashion scene. In this blog, we will delve into the life and career of Vivienne Westwood, exploring her notable contributions to the fashion industry and her enduring legacy.

About Vivienne Westwood

Vivienne Westwood

Dame Vivienne Westwood, born on April 8, 1941, in Tintwistle, Derbyshire, England, is a British fashion designer who rose to prominence in the 1970s. Her early life was marked by an unconventional spirit, a quality that would later become a defining characteristic of her design philosophy. Westwood’s journey into fashion was not a conventional one; she initially pursued a career as a primary school teacher before venturing into the world of design.

In 1971, Westwood and her then-partner Malcolm McLaren opened a boutique in London named “Let It Rock,” which later became “Sex.” This store was a hub for the punk rock movement and showcased clothing that challenged societal norms and pushed the boundaries of fashion. It was here that Westwood’s signature rebellious and provocative style began to take shape.

Notable Contributions to the Fashion World

Punk Fashion Revolution

Vivienne Westwood is often credited with shaping the punk fashion movement. She designed clothing that was confrontational, anti-establishment, and deliberately provocative. Pieces like the bondage trousers and graphic T-shirts she created for the Sex boutique became emblematic of the punk ethos. This rebellious spirit not only captured the essence of the punk subculture but also introduced a new wave of design aesthetics to the mainstream fashion world.

The Corset

Westwood’s fascination with historical fashion and her innovative spirit led her to reinvent the corset. She introduced the “mini-crini” in the 1980s, which was a modern reinterpretation of the Victorian corset, featuring a more wearable and structured design. This reinvention brought corsets back into fashion and had a lasting impact on the lingerie industry.

Pirate Collection

In 1981, Westwood presented her Pirate Collection, a landmark moment in her career. This collection was characterized by bold, oversized garments, layers of fabrics, and a playful mix of historical and punk-inspired elements. It challenged the prevailing minimalism of the time and celebrated extravagance and individuality.

Activism Through Fashion

Vivienne Westwood is not just a fashion designer; she is also an outspoken activist. She has used her platform to advocate for various environmental and social causes. One of her most notable campaigns is the promotion of climate change awareness through fashion. She launched the Climate Revolution campaign, creating pieces with slogans like “Climate Change is Not Sexy” to draw attention to environmental issues.


Westwood’s influence extends beyond her eponymous brand. She has collaborated with various artists and designers, including iconic moments like her partnership with fashion provocateur Jean-Paul Gaultier. Such collaborations have demonstrated her willingness to experiment and push the boundaries of fashion.

Vivienne Westwood

Legacy in the Fashion World

Vivienne Westwood’s impact on the fashion world is immeasurable. Her legacy is evident in several aspects of the industry:

Design Innovation

Westwood’s fearless approach to design continues to inspire designers worldwide. Her ability to blend historical references with contemporary subversion has paved the way for a new era of creative expression in fashion.

Subcultural Influence

The punk and alternative subcultures have left an indelible mark on fashion, and Westwood played a pivotal role in shaping their style. Elements of her punk-inspired designs can still be seen in streetwear and alternative fashion today.

Sustainable Fashion

In an era where sustainability is a key concern, Westwood’s advocacy for climate change awareness through fashion remains relevant. Her commitment to ethical and sustainable practices has influenced the industry’s shift towards more responsible production and consumption.

Iconic Pieces

Westwood’s designs are timeless. Iconic pieces like the “Mini-Crini” and her punk-inspired creations continue to be referenced and recreated by contemporary designers and fashion enthusiasts alike.

Activism and Influence

As an activist, Westwood’s impact extends beyond the runway. Her dedication to causes such as climate change and civil liberties showcases the power of fashion as a means of raising awareness and driving change.


Vivienne Westwood is more than just a fashion designer; she is a cultural icon, a rebel, and a visionary. Her career has been defined by pushing boundaries, challenging norms, and advocating for change. From her early days in the punk movement to her ongoing efforts in environmental activism, Westwood’s influence on fashion and society is undeniable.

In a world where conformity often reigns supreme, Vivienne Westwood stands as a testament to the power of individuality and creative expression. Her legacy continues to shape the fashion world, inspiring designers, artists, and activists to use fashion as a medium for social and environmental change.


The online Vivienne Westwood store

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